I offer a peek into my personal life and some of what I believe so anyone reading this can get some insight into the person you may choose to vote for. The campaign is NOT about me. It is about choosing a person who will represent you with honesty & integrity; someone who will work hard to make the right decisions that respect your hard-earned tax dollars and deliver on the promises made to you.
I believe I have delivered on my promises when I was a commissioner and made a positive impact on Geauga County—a great place to live.
- Bringing more business-like approaches to government—logic and common sense.
- Improving transparency and accountability.
- Reducing waste and irresponsible use of tax dollars.
- Eliminating cronyism and favoritism.
- Ensuring responsible use of our tax dollars.
- Ensuring responsible use of grant dollars—cutting unnecessary and wasteful programs.
- Protecting rural values— property rights & water rights.
- Fighting outside forces that are changing our County.
- Paying off the long-term debit.
- Offering concept plans for the new county buildings and the waste management recycling center.
I managed to challenge and end an EPA grant program that wasted taxpayer dollars. I managed to start a conversation that began changing the direction of policies. The time I spent as a commissioner was valuable and started a process. If you speak to any of the employees in the commissioner’s office they will tell you I devoted and continue to devote an enormous amount of time and effort to understand the issues, laws, and other decision criteria. I’d like the opportunity to finish what I began. As a commissioner I led an effort to evaluate the county’s aging buildings that are very costly to maintain, are a security risk for our employees and the public, and that are not configured to provide great service to our citizens. I am proud to have worked with my peers and think we were a very strong board. I would like to be involved in managing the implementation of the courthouse updates.
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Change is not easy and sometimes requires a little extra effort. I am blessed to have the time to invest in facilitating change and work a large number of hours on issues like implementing a Geauga County specific waste management/recycling center, addressing opiates issues, reconfiguring the budgetary process, and on and on. |
Who am I?
I am a husband, father of 5, grandfather of 10, veteran, former Geauga County Commissioner, former NOACA board member, and a businessman. As a business executive I have managed multi-million dollar budgets, large multi-cultural teams, and have done business internationally. My business experience includes North America, Asia, South America and Mexico. I was employed by EDS (Electronic Data Systems), E&Y (Ernst & Young), CTG (Computer Task Group), and self employed. Why is that important? Because to be successful in these parts of the world and to succeed in business requires the ability to be creative, flexible, disciplined, a good manager, and able to work in very complicated political environments. These skills are universal and transferable.
What do I believe? I am:
- A passionate conservative who respects the values contained in the U.S. and Ohio constitutions and the Declaration of Independence; which have been the foundation of the prosperity of the U.S. for over 200 years.
- Passionate about Geauga County and its future.
- Passionate about protecting the future for our kids and grandkids.
I spend a lot of time involved trying to make a difference. From organizing citizen forums to speaking on issues and trying to educate as many citizens as I can.
I served in the Air Force for 9 years and am proud of that service. I have two kids that recently retired; one from the Air Force and one from the Marines. I am proud of them for the service they provide to this country and how they have served. Nothing gives you a puffed-up moment more than when you meet and see our kids in the service and the poise and dignity they demonstrate.
As a young Air Force airman, fresh off the “farm” I learned leadership, the value of principles, and conviction. I spent a year in the Viet Nam theater (Thailand) during the war. It was horrible for me. That year was a challenge for me because I had to leave a new born son and a new wife. I was involved in a war that was not popular or understood by the public. While it was a difficult year, those experiences firmed up many beliefs: self reliance, making the most of a bad situation, and patriotism. That year I was exposed to the federalist and anti-federalist papers.
As an experienced adult, I made a conscious decision to use my strengths, skills, passion, and energy to defend the values, and principles I believe in:
- America
- God and that this country was founded by Judeo Christian values
- free enterprise and capitalism and that these concepts have done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system in the world
- limited and effective government
- transparent and honest government
- citizens can make a difference if they choose to
Recreation and Fun
I like to hunt and fish, I am a pilot and love to do woodworking and work around the house. And I am not afraid to get my hands dirty. Whether in business or at home.
I even love to bake and decorate cakes.