One of the many issues that should be look at is the new agreement between Lake and Geauga County. The Health Board has undermined Geauga Sovereignty look at my blog for the video and judge for yourself.
I love America, Ohio, and Geauga County. I am a proud veteran. I make no apologies for my beliefs. And, YES I have strong opinions and have the courage to express them. I express them openly to give voice to those unable or too weary to speak out.
Now that the election is over, I will be transmission this site to a personal blog. You may check back from time to time for updates. To be clear this is now a personal site and NOT a campaign site. Many folks in Geauga County do not understand what a County Commissioner’s job is. The county commissioner job is basically administrative. Mundane stuff like approving road funding, overseeing budgets, funding various departments and providing oversight. If you attend a meeting, you might be bored. However, County Commissioners face substantial decisions that impact resident’s lives and use tax dollars. Geauga Citizens have the chance to add two people to provide oversight on county budgets. This would help to ensure true accountability in all of our government agencies. If interested in making this happen see my blog entry ” Budget Commission & Citizen (”