Last night I attended the HDAC (Health District Advisory Committee) meeting. The HDAC is made up of one representative from each of our 16 townships, 1 from each township, 1 from the county, and 1 from Chardon. Their purpose is to create funding mechanisms for the Health District and to appoint to the Geauga County Health Board. Section 3709.01 – Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws
The Geauga Health District is now being run by Lake County. The board says that is not the case, but I ask any reader to consider this. The board meets for a couple of hours in a month, and they discuss high level topics (look at the meeting minutes). A Lake County employee provides guidance and input to the board. Lake County employees provide all services. I ask you. Who is running the Health District? There are many questions about the process and the claims made about sovereignty. The claim is that it is based on savings (no evidence of savings has been shown) and the cross jurisdictional agreement created has many issues. That said, watch the video on this site to see for yourself and ask if this was a transparent process. Now we discover that the new Geauga Health District annual report demonstrates Geauga is going WOKE. That is the cost of losing our sovereignty and of WOKE board members. I am including the annual report for you to read here.
2023-Annual-Report heath board
The language of disparities is antithetical to the constitution we swear an oath to defend and uphold. This is a transfer of wealth play. What will that cost us? Is Geauga going to share our wealth with Lake County? (page 4)
Then there is a reference to spending your tax dollars on impacts of climate change. Are you kidding me….what impacts, what can we do about it, who is proving there is climate change. Another transfer of wealth play. This is why sovereignty is so important. (page 5)